Monday, February 25, 2008

OK, I spent 45 minutes recently listening to Obama's speech. Others may think he is a great speaker, but I don't think that a guy who takes 45 minutes to say what could have been said in 15 minutes is a great speaker. I also think he is disgustingly full of himself. Hillary can't beat him because there isn't a lick of difference between them in terms of policy, Democrats don't care about experience, and he is far more personable than she is.

Their are only two reasons why someone would vote for Obama (or Hillary). The first is summed up this quote

“A liberal is a man who will give away everything he doesn’t own.” —Frank Dane

The second reason is that you would have to be brain dead!

Here are some of programs he endorsed:

1) $4,000 to every college student in America. There are about 18,000,000 college students. My 3rd grade math tells me that such a program would cost the taxpayers $72,000,000,000. I believe that is 72 BILLION dollars a year. Who will pay for that?

2) Health care will be provided for almost everyone (Hillary says All, even if they don't want it). By the way included in "All" are the 12,000,000 or so illegal immigrants who will not be paying into the "system." My calculator doesn't have sufficient places on it for me to calculate how much this will cost, but regardless of the number--Who will pay for it?

3) He wants to increase pay for teachers. Silly me, I thought that was a local and state function! Of course we don't know how much he would increase salaries (but making the statement sure will get him the NEA vote). How many billions of dollars will this cost us, and Who will pay for it?

4) Seniors who are making $50,000 a year or less will pay no federal income tax, and families making $75,000 a year or less will somehow end up paying no payroll taxes. Who will pay for it?

5) He wants to increase federal investments in cities, new schools, bridges, roads, etc. Who will pay for this?

Well that takes care of SOME of his comments that will cost trillions (Bob, what comes after trillions?) of dollars.

How about national security? He said he will protect us BUT:

1) He will close Guantanamo. Maybe each liberal can take one Guantanamo resident (I dare not call them prisoners) into their home.

2) He will reinstate habeus corpus for them

3) Civil Rights are more important than obtaining critical information through evil "eaves dropping" or torture. In other words being blown up with the knowledge that the government will never listen in on a conversation between a terrorist and an American citizen is better than running the risk that if you do something wrong, you will be caught.

4) He would immediately begin pulling troops out of Iraq (despite the fact that the surge is working both militarily and politically)

Regarding immigration he said we are a nation of laws, BUT we must provide a path to citizenship (that's code for amnesty) to "undocumented" immigrants.

Finally, although John McCain is on the wrong side of some issues, such as immigration, torture and campaign finance, who would you rather have select the next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court? Who would you rather have as commander-in-chief? Who would you rather have setting priorities for taxing? Who would you rather have dealing with international leaders such as Assad, Raoul Castro or that nut in Iran?

The reason for this long note is my concern that many Conservative Republicans have talked about staying home on election day, and/or not lifting a finger to elect McCain. Although he was not my choice, I must admit that he is probably the only Republican who has a chance to defeat Hillary or Obama. So tell your friends NOT TO STAY HOME. Doing so would be a VERY FOOLISH move and can be summed up by my final quote:

Anger is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die."

BY Andrew Diffley